My story of submissive
The world of kinky sex has always been of interest to me. I was a sub long before I knew what this lifestyle really meant. Now, I'm coming to accept that part of who I am. And it's not so easy being yourself in a world that forces you to be something else. But I made a vow to myself to be true to who I am, without regard for who likes it or not.
Little by little I did become interested in the BDSM world, which is so much more than kinky sex. For most people in the non-BDSM or “vanilla” world, they still see BDSM and its associated kink as a form of deviance.
What Fifty Shades of Grey really did for BDSM was to make it okay to have those fantasies and those experiences.
It blessed kink as valid, but it did not truly educate people on what is at the heart of BDSM. But is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.
This webpage is my bridge between two different worlds.
I hope you will read, enjoy and engage !

kleine moeite groot plezier, bedankt !
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