Truck Nuts
Ik kwam dit toevallig tegen en wilde jullie dit niet onthouden. Uiteraard in America, waar honderden dollars, vaak als kerstgift uitgegeven worden aan deze kunststof gadgets. Truck Nuts, what the hell are they for ? Truck Nutz is a brand name for the dangling plastic testicles some people affix to the bumpers or hitches of their vehicles. These plastic novelties have a powerful symbolic charge and are often associated with a crass, macho, red state audience. What possesses someone to drive around with a pair of bollocks dangling below their towbar. Stupid question. If you’ve seen them, that’s their purpose. Like so many great and questionable things, they originated from the US. In the 80s, home-made nut sacks began appearing on the back of utes, driven mostly by rural white working-class men. “It has quite a good shock value,” to illustrate the performance of gender. In other words, where does ball-worship end and irony begin ? “Genitalia is offensive,” some people say . As a father, I wouldn’t want my daughter looking at it. Genitalia are offensive? Really? I mean, if the worst thing your little girl is exposed to in this day and age is plastic or chrome nuts, then I think she’s pretty well sheltered. Obviously, I think people should be free to do pretty much whatever they want when it comes to decorating their vehicles. To me it’s just a personal expression, the truck’s got power.
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